Sunday, May 15, 2016

If you've been down and can't remember the path up

If you have been down you may not remember the path back to up. In traditional stories involving journeys, spirals that spin the heroes down and  paths without markers to help you find your way back, there are some serious slides down to the down of all downs.  Remember, "I must go down to the sea again."?  Well, you might not. But Sea Fever, John Masefield's poem, is about the pull of the ocean and whatever else was behind that calling to go down to the sea again.  Many journeys we go on don't seem to have a pull as if from a positive passion directing our attention.  Well, the traditional rights of passages that heroes go on seem to have misdirection as their aim in changing the hero's psyche. The hero thinks she's going one way and fate pulls her into another direction. When we're tired from all the traveling or expecting too much from the here and now or otherwise not paying attention, that is when the gods or history steps into your life and shifts things up on you; turns smooth roads into slippery ones and leads you to a path you don't know. You may feel that you got plopped smack in the middle of nowhere.  You may know it as feeling down or sad or grief.  Grief should be a well-known territory but even in this day and age it is largely an uncharted territory. 

If grief leaves you on the beach without the resources to find your way back up, follow any thread you can find.  What we know now about grief is at least this much - it has threads; it has filaments; it has tentacles that reach toward the light.  Strange really.  You might expect the opposite. But like a root vegetable starved for water, grief will grow fibers and hairs and roots to search out for the life it will find in water.  It wants you to survive.  Where there seems like there is no there, there, there is a thread of something that is thin but definitive. 

I'm struck by the amnesia that grief seems to cause many.  The journey back is one of remembrance.  Storing old memories in new locations. Finding ways to be from your store of knowledge and working them into the now of it.  If it ends up being a journey that brings you back to fullness, and you get what you were missing or a bouquet of falling in love with the world again, that too is good. There is a lot of good out there and sometimes you have to go down to the sea to find it. Sometimes you have to ride the waves.  I hope this and every journey you are on leaves you fuller or connected to what and who you love more than the last. Coming home to yourself is a good thing. Welcome back. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

riding the waves: a tale about being home in the world Kindle Edition

I'm trying to figure out the way to get this book into hard copy also.  But in the meantime it's up there and on Kindle. And whatever the collective consciousness is at this point in our history, maybe it's working its way there as well?  The amount of information available to us, even the personal stories we can now access through all media platforms, is amazing. Surely, this is in some ways a dream and in other ways, who knows. We don't know about the impact of all the information. I'm finding that there are many who love this and sweep up their time and information the way I have dreamed of scooping armfuls of pirate's treasure. The idea of such wealth is fun to think of and certainly Googling every little thing that comes up and getting the answer immediately is immensely satisfying.  I'm on the cross roads of this world and the world that was left in analog. I love the convenience of information; the idea of even having many files open at one time while writing, is enchanting. For the longest time now it's felt like writing with a support team. But the one thing I know for sure is that it is the reader that sees wholeness; and in seeking that reader we have so many avenues open to us. But will our paths cross?  Only with the help of friends, networking, sharing and moving.  What are our quiet times of reflection now in the midst of all of these waterfalls of information and stories?  Maybe the sharing that we do is part of the new culture that's a level above and different from before. I think that stories move us still but that our rate of consumption is greatly enhanced by the devices we read on, the stories we intercept, the brief and the even quicker means of capturing what this world is all about.  Going outside to play, well, still the best way to know what the outside is like. And all of it, feeds the inside.  From all around the small world I inhabit there are so many constellations of focused attention, sometimes just the teeniest bit of focus, faceting the world of consciousness. 

May peace be with all of us.