Sunday, September 29, 2013

Island refuge

Melville looked for an “insular Tahiti”, a place of calm within that was not only shelter from the storm but your own private shelter, always accessible, always safe.  Many people find this through exercise or meditation, through qigong, or dancing or doing their art.  The island is both a metaphor and a real place because our interior space is both real and can be a destination whenever you want it to be. And you know what, that’s not a bad idea. The notion that you can go with the flow and be in the place that feels right is related to this island within your being, your insular Tahiti. There are so many things that pull on us you’d think we’d come with grommets for the strings. Well, when the storms come, there's shelter within. 

It's too bad that I didn't know about that built-in facility sooner. It would have been a blessing.  Today, in addition to the insular Tahiti I might add swivel caps for the joints so that some grease and go-juice could be added to sore knees until the snake oil kicked in. These notions are even less complex than the idea of painter’s pants I had, personalized for all of our needs, depending upon your sex and life cycle. And of course the electronic accessories of today did spark built-in pockets for cell phones far sooner than anyone ever thought to provide convenient ways to carry feminine hygiene products.

What causes me more wonder than ever are the cormorants on the phone lines. One came in for a landing as I was going over the bridge heading home. There is no fantasy I can ever imagine where I could fly and land on a phone line. Yet the corms do this and than stay there for hours. They aren’t small and weightless like swallows or sparrows. Even morning doves, normally awkward and precarious in flight or when landing, would seem a better candidate for the phone lines. Yet the corms defy imagination and find a home there, just above the small river waters, just above the bridge.  

There is a place within that is an island in the stream of things. Imagine it every bit as small as the phone lines for the corms but your ability to rest there every bit as good as theirs. Balance isn’t required.  Webbed feet might be as well as access to your webbed being and your inner streams. Corms colonize waterways. They aren’t ocean-going birds. The road within might be a river after all. If you find your way there, go with the flow. Remember, you always have this safe place, you always have this shelter and place of refuge and you don't have to wait for storm to go there.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

All is good

Imagine taking a few minutes each day to contemplate your wildest dreams for yourself and the world – and to make this a part of your life. What if everyone were to make this a daily ritual?  Some of my recent wildest dreams were: universal respect for all traditions and cultures; boundaries honored; time and mental peace for pleasure; quiet where you want it and music where you want it in your life too.  More items on my list included babies and children at work places so that their specialness and frailties will always be a part of the work we create and the systems we design. The same for elders and anyone else that needs special care and attention – the same for all of us.

Realms of being and thought often have what feels like stages or hierarchies of being. Spiritual, mental, emotional, physical. Eventually, many things come down to the physical realm. But how it comes down and how we shape the thought or energy or whatever it is in the spiritual realm through the mental chute, through the emotional seas and rivers and streams through to the physical shores where it is incorporated into our lives – that’s the journey.

For however we have lost people we love; or homes and communities we all become aware of and feel as if a hole is in our lives.  When something is missing from our daily lives, it could be a visual cue like a tree lost in the storm; or the kingfisher gone from the lines over the small bridge on the way to work – whatever is missing is felt deeply and takes an effort to move past into the new rhythms of your days.

Even a change in seasons can bring about a profound sense of loss and sadness. It’s really not all the wild to dream of peace. The sense of calm and wholeness, of all being as it should, that is peace. Those people or places or animals or landscapes missing from our dreams cannot be replaced. But they are also not lost. The same ideas that guide a healthy ecosystem guide an entire culture. Bring all the elements together and we might be guided by a greater sense of wholeness. Bring the babies to work along with your parents and grandparents. Bring the stories of the late summer and early fall Carolina wrens housing in the bush next to the garage along to work with you in the morning. Last weekend the kingfisher was flitting about with another and that’s the first time around these parts that dance has been seen.  It’s a great morning. Early fall sunlight has created lighter shadows around the thinning plants. The cricket’s tin music is a constant pulse outside my office window. There’s a plane droning in the background. Some bees are working the flowers on the coleus plants. Right now, right here, it feels like everyone is here. All is good. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Cheddar and apples

Why are Stayman Winesaps all around in the markets at this time of year?  Are they now shipping apples from Chile as well?  If they are, at least a well known New York apple from another country still goes well with cheddar cheese. If you can’t tell, I’m completely avoiding the concern over the Gulf.  But I will slip in this brief note.

My good thoughts and well wishes go out to the fish and wildlife living in the region.  Same to all the people involved in trying to do hands on help for the animals, waterways and well, everyone and everything in the Gulf area. Also, a deep bow to the dolphins that live in those waters. The turtles and whales that live and visit there too.  Imagine swimming through your world. Diving through the warm and cool currents. Riding the waves behind boats.  Looking at the sky from underneath the water.  No taxes, no retirement plans to worry about.  Just how you might play with the beams of light coming through the water or how you might jump out of your home and splash back in.  Dolphins represent what we think of as joy about as good as any living thing on this planet.  Far from that troubled area, because I can’t reach in and give a hand, I’d like to try to send a message of caring and concern.

I can’t remember if it was last year or the summer before that we saw a pod of dolphins swimming and jumping and churning the water right in front of us.  The water glistened on their bodies.  Then all of sudden we noticed that there were fish jumping straight out of the water too.  When we understood what was going on it just about was ending.  But clearly the dolphins were heading out to NYC for the day; decided to stop and gather a meal, and then continue on their j0urney. We saw them head back south later in the day.  But they just headed straight home.  Just about took the same exact route and distance from the beach as the last time.  Maybe they caught a good current. You have to wonder if their time back was an hour shorter than their time out to the city like the Vegas trip.  Ater a full day they just cruised along, easily slipping through the water going and coming back.  I wish my day’s energy were as even from stem to stern as theirs.  I just can’t get myself to eat fish.  That’s probably the answer but I can’t do it. 

I can manage some extra sharp cheddar with a really good apple though.  What a beautiful combination. You have to wonder who first discovered these great synergistic foods. Lettuce and tomato on toast with mayo. Was it the early Deliman?  Barely mentioned by anthropologists; hardly known through the fossil record. I mean, how well do you think toast lasts through the millenia anyway?  But Deliman certainly discovered the egg cream after a long day of making Woolly Mammouth Reubens for the whole tribe.  Apples and cheddar are a more modern invention. Lighter, less tools, no need for swirling deli counter chairs.  Portable and satisfying, the cheddar apple combination no doubt a product of a nomadic civilization.   Here’s hoping everyone’s journey, including the bay dolphins, be smooth and healthy.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Counting glories

There's been times I have been in love with spring and fall.  Those were surprising days considering summer is really it for me. It has been it for my whole family as well.  Until recently I never thought of families being identified with one season over another.  To be honest I never thought of my birthday as being in summer until this very minute. I was a September baby and once I grew up September seemed like the end of everything I wanted because it was the beginning of school.

Now that I mention the phrase "to be honest" I have to tell you that this one has always made me wonder how it came about.  Are there times when people are talking where it's the custom to spout lie after lie?  And then when you're ready to say something true you go "to be honest." It could act as a verbal signal to pay attention. When you're just shooting the breeze, not really saying anything true blue, well, the other person doesn't have to listen.  To have someone really listen to you is golden and why would they want to waste their riches of consciousness on you if you're just yakking.  Yackative people are good company but you know, silence is golden and if you're giving up some of your gold to listen to yakkers you might want to measure how much you want to give up. Therefore, you listen in and out. This allows your consciousness to get a rest. You don't spend yourself so much on yak yak yak and when the person that's yakking really wants you to pay attention they signal you. "To be honest."

I wasn't honest about the counting of the morning glories to my friend that has flower envy.  I told her I had ten and I did. But seven were on the backyard trellis and three on the structure. She's been so taken with these flowers that she started a contest and would give me the counts now and then. I'm the one that gave her the small plant to begin with. Her one orphan plant produced far more blooms than mine. But combined my plants are finally pulling ahead of hers.

If you look into a morning glory you can understand why a bee would walk all the way down that blue highway to get to the center of the flower. To be honest I'd like to go in there as well. It would be like playing fort within a flower. Just wait. Just wait and see if your cat or your brother or sister can find you down there under that blue blanket. Just wait. It will be summer again. This time I'm starting morning glories from seeds and I already told my competitor that I would share the seedlings with her. But she's not allowed in my fort.