There's been times I have been in love with spring and
fall. Those were surprising days
considering summer is really it for me. It has been it for my whole family as
well. Until recently I never thought of
families being identified with one season over another. To be honest I never thought of my birthday
as being in summer until this very minute. I was a September baby and once I
grew up September seemed like the end of everything I wanted because it was the
beginning of school.
Now that I mention the phrase "to be honest" I
have to tell you that this one has always made me wonder how it came
about. Are there times when people are
talking where it's the custom to spout lie after lie? And then when you're ready to say something
true you go "to be honest." It could act as a verbal signal to pay
attention. When you're just shooting the breeze, not really saying anything
true blue, well, the other person doesn't have to listen. To have someone really listen to you is
golden and why would they want to waste their riches of consciousness on you if
you're just yakking. Yackative people
are good company but you know, silence is golden and if you're giving up some
of your gold to listen to yakkers you might want to measure how much you want
to give up. Therefore, you listen in and out. This allows your consciousness to
get a rest. You don't spend yourself so much on yak yak yak and when the person
that's yakking really wants you to pay attention they signal you. "To be
I wasn't honest about the counting of the morning glories to
my friend that has flower envy. I told
her I had ten and I did. But seven were on the backyard trellis and three on
the structure. She's been so taken with these flowers that she started a
contest and would give me the counts now and then. I'm the one that gave her
the small plant to begin with. Her one orphan plant produced far more blooms
than mine. But combined my plants are finally pulling ahead of hers.
If you look into a morning glory you can understand why a
bee would walk all the way down that blue highway to get to the center of the
flower. To be honest I'd like to go in there as well. It would be like playing
fort within a flower. Just wait. Just wait and see if your cat or your brother
or sister can find you down there under that blue blanket. Just wait. It will
be summer again. This time I'm starting morning glories from seeds and I
already told my competitor that I would share the seedlings with her. But she's
not allowed in my fort.
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