Saturday, September 27, 2014

Comma or comatose

Sometimes it seems that run on sentences aren't really so different than the life we're living.  I should take ownership of this and say 'the life I'm living.'  If it doesn't seem like going to work is like going through a revolving door, than you must be retired. After a while everything becomes a blur. I know from experience that this will not always be the case but it seems to be the case now. 

The reason this is connected to run on sentences is really obvious to me.  I think a comma represents a pause in thought; a segment of thought, a place where you stop and check out what came before you got to this place in thought and where you might want to think about what's coming up in the sentence.  Or, if you're writing on oxygen it could be where you take a breath. If you take a breath than the person reading your writing will also get a chance to breathe. Unless of course we're talking about a majority of people that don't sub-vocalize and these people probably are anaerobic readers. If I have that spelling right. 

These kinds of people, and they probably are the vast majority of readers in this country, can read, and breathing, other than the necessity of it for being alive, has nothing to do with their reading. I and others like me, on the other hand, read and breathe in synchronization. I cannot read without taking a breath and commas, are that breath for me.

Therefore, I believe, but I'm not certain, that people such as myself, might well want to use more commas so that we can breathe and read and not go comatose.  “She died from reading.” for instance, would be a curious but sad commentary on how she ended her life.

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