Saturday, June 11, 2016

I alone remain to tell the tale or rotten eggs are a part of everything

            Everything connects at a level where time, if it exists, is more like a friend in a correspondence waiting to know your thoughts.  How will I communicate these thoughts?  Who will listen?

            I know that I exist through the telling.  This journey is one way to bring it all together.  I want to communicate in wholeness yet I’m often left with only fragments.  Writing is a way to re-member, to fish the deeps, to bring what must come up to the surface.  It’s a way to hook up with the soul, as Psyche is sometimes known.  As she resides in the developing stage of her being she is the chrysalis-fish waiting to sprout wings or waiting to raise hell and take the deeps with her to the surface world.  When Psyche speaks to me in my dreams, I listen. 

             It’s like she’s saying, “Drop me a line.”  Drop her a line and if you listen good, she’ll hook you up to something really cool.  So let out the microphone lines and get connected.

            After all, I think that’s what there is besides space and time.  The need, and deed, to create, to connect to the really deep places.  To communicate.  To show how the world belongs to you and how you belong to the world.  How you and the world merge.  To express yourself, which is as much a part of the world as the world is a part of you, is to express the world through your use of space and time.  Rather than feeling fragmented, which I have often felt, I can use my time to create. And in this creation blend with the tale.  As you would being a part of the whole - like a piece of the hologram, broken off, but no longer a fragment only a piece of the whole.  Light caught on photographic material or time trapped in amber.  What is the difference?  In the end we tell the tale whether deliberately or not.  Maybe the tale tells us.  Maybe it’s like that kid’s game and the last one in is a rotten egg. 

Except from Conversations with Nic by freda karpf     Conversations with Nic on Kindle

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