Saturday, December 3, 2016

A special note about riding the waves

I've been posting a little bit of my book, riding the waves, whenever I get a chance. It's posted in sequence and free to read or buy through Amazon. I am putting it all out there, except for the very first bit and maybe some small bits here and there.

These are complex times we live in.  My writing has always been an attempt to reach the heart of those that love this world and care for the earth. I think I'm getting more direct in my messages about that love and caring. The next project, I have a working name but will keep it secret, is going to be yet even more spot on about this beautiful place.   While we're all working the kinks out about the recent presidential election, I'd just like to share this quote I first saw at Lucille's in the Pinelands:  "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." 

The world is incredibly beautiful.  Let your mind roam over what you find sweet, enticing and beautiful here. It could be a person's smile too. That's also nature. So are shadows and dry river beds, sliced red onions and the moment just after you saw an eagle glide.  I'm hoping we all become better stewards of the land. Whether that means supporting your favorite environmental organizations or working to clean up the rivers near your home; or being careful about what you put into the water systems and not just relying upon the city or town to sanitize your water; whether it means working toward intelligent and compassionate policies; or standing with the great people gathering at Standing Rock #NoDAPL, I hope everyone takes part in taking care of the earth. It seems obvious that it's our home and our lives depend upon it. But more than that, I want to take care of what is beautiful here and allow the wild lands, as much as we can keep and hope to gain more, remain wild. To not allow practices that harm or threaten those that can't speak for themselves to flourish. We need to take care of what has been our only home.  This is a beautiful place with so many amazing forms of life that interconnect. Everything seems related.  Feeling the connection to your part of the world is a good start if you don't know what else to do right off.

In the meantime, I'm going to try to step up the posts to get to the end of my riding the waves book so that you can read it here or on Kindle.  I hope all your days are trouble free and your world is good to you  and yours.

Many blessings.

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