Thursday, December 29, 2016

feed your inner pirate

from the sea (5) –  merging and menopause  - inner pirate , part 1 by freda karpf

“...each of us carries in our veins a salty stream… in almost the same proportions as in sea water. This is our inheritance...” Rachel Carson
     “NJ lies in the middle of the Atlantic flyway and thousands upon thousands of shore birds, waterfowl and other birds migrate along the shore each spring and fall.”  Joanna Burger

     What if it’s not just the birds that belong here?
     Mrs. Scattergood remembered when she prepared for her period; or when her period prepared her. When she became aware that is was coming she had already felt like she was swimming through the day. She’d command herself like the pirates in stories, “Arrgh.”  She would go around and “Arrgh” for a while because words weren’t available so much as guttural sounds with the vague promise of spit in them.  Her inner pirate would allow her to say “Arrgh”, to everything; to not worry about a thing. Whatever.  Whatever. Once she knew what was happening, she would take the day for herself. It was something they did a long time ago. Late in the game, she knew it was something she needed to do during the precious few periods left. She had to make this time with herself less of a thing and more of a not thing so that it takes place.  In the fecund fertile darkness of yin, encased in the yin night, possibilities.
     She felt a little lonely sad at times. A friend was heading over to her place to practice qigong.  The little bubble of time before her arrival allowed her to take in the last bit of the sun.  She had been hibernating; stowing away the good for another time. She would tell you, people crave people even when they desire solitude.  She thought her period was over. The blue period. The solemn period. No, it wasn’t; they weren’t.  Even a storm was coming to punctuate this time away with another permission slip. Work sent her home anyway.  Home a verb meaning to cook, to be, her body swimming through the day.  It was glorious. Wouldn’t you know all that nesting she was doing was her preparation for getting her period. She didn’t know. Her body knew like a shadow knows where it has to be.
     Pirates rarely take days off to be wrapped in the cotton of their menstrual cycle.  Well, who really knows about pirates? Their whole inner life stolen by fairytales and movies bringing unreality to the reality of everyday people basted in bad information.  Consensual reality is layered with the stories the culture wants to repeat. Feeling a connection to your own reality can feel like borrowed time. But it is burrowed time, often the same kind of time that a period brings on.  There may be some treasure in that.
     Mrs. Scattergood wondered if men know that far away feeling you can have within yourself. Wondered if when menopause finally leaves if the distance between that time and inner reality will be something she remembers. It is not longing. Will she remember what it is to feel as if something really important is near, in another string of reality abiding a parallel wave to this one?  Just two weeks ago she felt the isolation brought on by grief. Now she feels wrapped in cotton.
     The difficulty today is tomorrow. The job. Today, she knows her great fortune in friends; feels soothed and smoothed over by this last period. It is an old fashioned one. The kind she used to get and would call out, even though broke and desperate for money. She'd call out and be in her soul swoon, cocooned and in the place that this world does not offer often, a sense of timeless being.
     Bad mantras drumming through her brain. What mattered most was getting to the next morning. After that, it was a slide as long as there was black tea with goat’s milk and stevia. When the old birds fall out of the sky because they decided to stop flying you’ve got to ask yourself, “Did I opt in to this because the miserable bastard and my mom didn’t even consider birth control?”  Or, “Was there another reason for being on this blue planet?”  You know don’t you?  You know right there you got everyone, the gods, the heroes, the aliens tuning in to every mind on the surface. The animals and then your dear friends love the fact that you called up from the fabric of everything to remember we are on the blue planet.  Shoot, nothing better than that really.
     The mystery of the oceans will never go away no matter how mapped or mined.  And pirates should know, by the way, that it was a woman that mapped the oceans.  Just as it was a woman that mapped the hands and feet for reflexology.  You don’t have to stretch the taffy too far to realize that each map, almost always, there’s got to be an exception, right?  Each map is about the whole. It pretends to be an exploration about the particular but as it turns out, each particular is about the whole too.

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