Tuesday, July 5, 2016

For Barry RIP

From Baubo in the kitchen (2)

Mrs. Scattergood once told Baubo that if she had more days with her friends she wouldn’t write about the woes of the world. She’d be content.  Mrs. Scattergood told Baubo how she met Barry at the bar like they usually did.  He pushed up on this guy to say hello and got a hug.  Looked over to Mrs. Scattergood like he was saying ‘how in the world do these gay guys do it?’ being all huggy kissy and all. Barry loved it so nobody, including Mrs. Scattergood, was ever fooled by his feigned tolerance.  Barry would say he wasn’t a touchy feely kind of person. Said he didn’t like to kiss woman either.  Just liked to, you know, make love to them. His words.  She asked him.  “Are you using that language because it’s me?”  “Language? I’m using language?”  “Come on, ya know what I mean.” He says, “Hold on a minute. Let’s get the drinks going. You having your usual?  What is it straight up pineapple or are you going to live a little?” It was straight up seltzer and she checked out the women in the bar.  This time, instead of just the usual gay guys and the couple that had nowhere to live except at the bar or in their car, there actually were women there.  She could hardly know what to do with her eyes.  She saw a mighty feisty one too.  But she checked her lust behind her lashes.  She liked to think so anyhow. She couldn’t take herself too seriously, checking out those women, those days especially, with him telling her she had to get a life.  And she wondering, ‘Where in hell do I get that?’
     Barry’s life plans were simple.  Christmas, he’ll be at the top of some mountain in Vermont watching the snow fall.  No assholes allowed.  It’ll be just him and Betsy.  Sounded perfect to Mrs. Scattergood.  Forget cruises. Find a way to get to a mountaintop.  Not too high. You don’t need the Death Zone or anything near that.  Just get some steaks and beers.  Like the man said, “No bullshit.” That was Barry’s plan. Mrs. Scattergood couldn’t help but be jealous.  She never would have thought about being on top of a mountain to feel all peaceful and such.  Barry knew a lot of things and the perfect way to spend the end of the year.

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