Sunday, July 17, 2016

riding the waves - whoever is afraid is lost

from Baubo in the kitchen (2)

She was a seine, a weir, a net.  So many people have come through her.  Some things get caught, some remain in the stream.  Only the flow is permanent.  Mrs. Scattergood hungered for things to be distinct.  ‘This is my family, this is my work, this is a story.’  She struggles with these things.  Maybe we all should.  But the energy it would take.
     ‘Claire, am I just noticing this or are the skies more beautiful than ever? Is it the jets or the jet stream that my friend said might be causing these new patterns in the clouds?  What skies.’  Mrs. Scattergood did sometimes wonder if she was too wrapped and in need of loosening.  Get a life, whatever that is. Exposed to the elements, does she gain a relevance because she’s weathered?  Accepting herself now and weathered vane she goes which way the winds blow.  When she looks at clouds she notices the best, the roundest, the sweetest, even the agonies.  Not one of her feelings lasts longer than a cloud.  She doesn’t even have to work at it.  Although subtle shifting is always taking place.  Side trips, pieces of a dream, watching clouds. Catching them to write them down, now that’s a talent.  But not really necessary. Thoughts matters for a moment and then they don’t.  She thought she could flip on a switch; turn on a light and wake up. Who comes through the changes with her?  Claire, of course.  She was relieved to remember. Things shifted and it caught her by surprise how she lost an intimacy with her old world. This sense of lost and of forgetting who you are – does it ever settle down, get resolved, find a peaceful place within?  This is what she longed for; this is what was distant.  She used to appreciate the far away so that she could savor the yearning.  What a vanity that was.  There are so many directions to go in.  Not going is one of them.  Staying put with all that’s going on in her head was like having an orchestra locked up in a book of matches.  The drums would draw back their skins if a fire started. 
     Mrs. Scattergood picked up The Banner and read again. “Whoever is afraid is lost.”    She was not afraid, not afraid at all.  Just feeling things. Just a little lost.
     Baubo told Mrs. Scattergood that if she had more days with her friends she wouldn’t write so much about the woes in the world.  She was right.  And now if only Einstein were also right and time is just a wet noodle wrapping around our heads all those who are lost will be back in our lives once again.  Heaven is a kugel, a noodle pie, with reality and people and our beloved animals all mushed together in a sweet pie or if you’re like my mother’s family from Russia, a noodle pie with fried onions and grebans.  But there will be no grebans office for grievances.  Only a smile, if the kugel is crispy and the onions sweet.  Mrs. Scattergood headed toward the porch, calmed by her dreams of food and wrapped in the desire for a home cooked meal.  ‘Life can be good,’ she thought, ‘but damn, it is so often a hard time getting there.’

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