Everything is Buddha-full in its own way-ay I can't help but be silly today Pronouncements are bounding out of my
fingertips before I can censor them.
Maybe it's the season. Summer is a release from winter pushed by the
green green fuse of spring. Sure, that's a lot like Dylan Thomas. What is more perfect than "the force
that through the green fuse drives"?
Everything is moving through the cycles of the seasons and currents
first warm than cold than warm again are touching the beaches with their foamy
The waves have been incredibly beautiful. There's this pull back that you feel just
before taking off. I heard a man explaining this to his young friend
yesterday. He was teaching her how to catch
a wave. The riders were very pretty but
they were large enough that if you took one you'd be at the shallows too
soon. It could be dangerous. I stayed out of the wave's tease until there was a
small one, they came every now and then, and I felt sure and safe enough to go
along with it. But I had never
articulated that before about the pull back. There is a pull back before you go
forward. When it pulls you back, he was explaining, that's when you know you
have it. It's like being loaded into the
ocean and becoming a part of the wave. It pulls back to get its curl and that
motion becomes a sling shot which can carry you to shore.
How you move toward the shore is totally up to you. It’s a
rider's choice. You can put your arms straight out ahead of you as if you were
going to fly. You can keep your head down with your arms straight out or you
can pull your arms back and along your sides and lift your head up. This sort
of makes you look like the figurehead on the bow of ship. These days, for some,
this could mean there's a thing or two causing drag and slowing you down. But
you'll head towards the shore nonetheless. And, if you don't get tumbled you'll
have yourself a beautiful ride.
Here's what happens then, and I can tell you this from
experience. You slide, you glide, and
you smile and go with the flow. You head towards the shore and there's no such
thing as time or chores. It's peace. It's as if there's nothing in your head,
never was and that's okay. It brings you out of time and into your element.
There's nothing better. Everything is beautiful in its own wave.
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