Sunday, October 6, 2013

Golden nuggets - without panning

It wasn't like I grew up in poverty. I didn't. But I did grow up in a home with few sayings and next to no homilies.  There have been times in my life I wish I did have the ready wisdom of a homily.  But the truth is I'd rather not have a bird in my hand. It's enough for me to know they're in the bush.  And this is not some misdirection from me to you. It is true that the bush by the garage has, at any given moment, one to four sparrows it in. I'd rather they stay there.  My cat appreciates it or at least seems to be excited by it when we're out walking together. Walking is really not the word for it, come to think of it.  It is more like stalking. When I'm out stalking with my cat I'm well aware that the bush by the garage is a busy bush and many a time I've been clipped by wings of a sparrow exiting and entering.

I have never liked birds flying about my head.  My cat, usually faster than a thought, even fails to capture these sparrows when it seems they've aimed for her mouth.  Although there's a lot to be said for the nuthatches in the late spring and early summer.  They're a might fast as well and again it seems that the bush is an optimum place for watching them. They don't go into the bush but they seem to fly between the cedars in the front of the house to the oaks behind the garage. The bush is right in front of the garage and right next to where I placed a stack of chairs. I sit high on the stack. You'd think I was a pat of butter.  But I'm just lucky to be there when the birds are.

These are some of the best times and they're free. I know that's a golden nugget too. Some things are true even if they've been around for a while.

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