Wednesday, January 4, 2017

endless ways to reflect and braid sunlight

from the sea (5) –  merging and menopause, water, part 2, by freda karpf

Mrs. Scattergood’s thoughts were cycling round like the comets.  Was she on time?  With this view, it wasn’t a really long time since she made contact with Baubo but rather the right time; even if she is not living the golden ratio, there are times that everything seems to be in harmony and balance.             
     How can we move through the fresh cut thyme garden and get on with the cooking?  It pulls you down to the level of smells and you have to savor this thyme cloud.  It works with thyme.  But with tide, sometimes you have to live by the wisdom of her friends’ grandmother.  “Half a mile from the ocean was close enough.”  Or you become like the saltmarsh plants that adapt to flooding and dry spells, to salt and sun. Wisdom is often remembered in the aftermath of a storm. 
      The shoreline, the river’s edge, even the bulwarks are the edges of the places we sometimes feel most alive; where one can move to consciously become middle ground.  We are all a part of the earth story after all.  You might feel that this felt connection is a long time in coming.  But it also feels as if the arm of the spiral has opened up.  Your life and the wildlife around you were nestling in its tightly wound spiral but you’ve been let loose to look around and find each other.  No matter the age, your psyche is reaching with lime green tendrils into the world.  Something has opened up your heart.  Here you are, on her doorstep with an invitation. 
     Miri's words: “I am cada día con la lucha.”  Every day with the manifest joy, to show up for the sun. No longer fierce, striving to soften.  Mrs. Scattergood’s words in response: “I hope that you grow nasturtiums.  If not nasturtiums, maybe fresh basil or lantana, which has a lot of smiles in it.  If not any of those than maybe morning glories which manifest out of the blue sky and return to there in the evening. If not those maybe another flower that is a joy just because it is.”
     Although the story goes that the golem is born of clay, think mud. Next step is the infusion of spirit through the power of the alphabet. Think, golem's alphabet.  The true nature of creating allies begins by recognizing the power of water to infuse mud with life, wetlands with the action of the tides’ bellows and the delicate balance of salt playing with the plants’ water uptake and the wildlife in the marsh.  The golem might seem like it didn’t belong in this wetlands village but it does. It comes and goes with the tides of want and need. It builds upon the higher ground and comes to lower itself into the water when the sun threatens to dry it. One letter means life, another means death. Too dry, too salty, too moist, too muddy.  Life holds onto the threads of cordgrass as the water slowly withdraws. Life moves through the cycle of coming and going.  Baubo knows that some are aware of it as much as they are a part of it. Grief might make you feel outside of it. Your period might make you feel like you are in a time that is out of time, swimming in a stream where golems and fish, birds and skies are part of something going on while your focus is diffused by hormones and unmoored by the inability to hold your focus.
     The river’s stream has endless ways to reflect and braid the sunlight.
     This is M. M means menopause.

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