Sunday, January 8, 2017

filled with days and desire

from the sea (5) –  merging and menopause, flower storm, part o of 2,  by freda karpf

“…the waves most of us know best are wind waves.”  Rachel Carson

     There's not a broad band of sunlight on a field of flowers pulsing with color enough to compete with the memory of her lover.  There are some birds picking at the grass for seeds.  She could hear the rustle of the leaves and see the shadows of the late afternoon sun.  It's all so pretty and tame and her lover was there too, in everything.
      She was filled with days and desire.
     She followed the lines in her hand like a palm reader and remembered last night’s dream.  It looked like her hands had ropes growing on them; so many lines were braided and turned.  It was daytime in the dream. The air hung like drapes.  When she was heading home to make soup she noticed the cut end of firewood on the side of the road.
     Making soup is a way to make sense of the world. 
     In the ways that the creatures of the sea spawn, with sperm left to the waves, with eggs drifting on seaweed, all the stories of her life came round to her again and met with their necessary catalyst, sperm, egg or spice to become a part of her life in a new way.  Time is a patient cook.    
     Summer’s long stretch of days feels eternal.    
     The salt water dries on your arms and pinches.
     The dream sense of space was small enough to know as a neighborhood. So it was even stranger when she arrived in the dream.  Her presence caused Mrs. Scattergood a lot of anxiety.  She was dressed so strangely.  She had been reading about goddesses being stripped of their powers.  Formerly, they had gale forces that stood for their energies.  In current times, they were tuned down to minor weather systems, whims not winds.  Middle managers of our lives and spirits, the gods were downsized and seemingly doomed to a corporate world where they had no say.  Even so, Mrs. Scattergood recognized Baubo and her breath quickened.  Her chest tightened. She was where she shouldn't be.  If she could only recognize that this alone gave her power and advantage. 
     Mrs. Scattergood asked Baubo, “Why are you here?” just as she also asked her brain. She talked to her poor brain the way Shakespeare’s characters talked outside their roles to the audience.  Her brain had many conversations.  She was their voice. Forced to interpret and endure a time delay as well, her brain also spoke to her through images.  There is no telling when her brain will locate a dream or an image, or just the right juxtaposition or incongruity to mesmerize her with its parade.  These can be frustrating ways to communicate.  Everyone knows it is easier to make soup.  This is why Mrs. Scattergood returned home to do that.  She pulled this pleasure from winter to make it year round. 
     In the dream she had long hair and a long leather coat. There were layers of other clothing.  Mrs. Scattergood felt her feet on the ground. Her eyes focused on her then adjusting to what didn't make sense she refocused.  Baubo felt real. Real enough. Dreams are a part of the life we live, whether acknowledged or not, remembered or not.
     Thousands of flowers blew by Mrs. Scattergood.  She was in awe of their colors, the shapes of the pedals.  Purple and yellow snapdragons blew past her face and stopped her from knowing anything other than purple, and yellow.  Black-eyed Susans were carried by the wind past her.  The eyes of pansies.  It was such an odd thing, a flower storm.  Could this be happening someplace in the world at any given time? After all, the ocean is currents of eggs meeting clouds of sperm.  Before flowers the world was all green.  That was the time before seeds and sex.  There were no spring colored snapdragons or midnight blue lobelia. There was no place for catnip to return; making itself at home in any pot or crevasse as it does today. 

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