Monday, January 23, 2017

the ten thousand ragas

     If the walls had ears, if stones could speak, ah what stories they would tell. Mrs. Scattergood could only imagine that myths origins would lay open to read like pages from the Talmud.  You can now fax the Wailing Wall.  Isn’t it enough that it has listened day in, year out to all the mishegas through all the ages?  They hear everything. They listen in silence and watch without judgement.  Whispers caught in stone, in this crevice here, that crack there.  Is it any wonder that people have taken to them over the ages?  Stone turned to dust travels as far as the wind has breath. With our hands cupped to our ears we can hear continents drifting and stone singing our prayers and our mantras mirroring our concerns. 
     Some people might believe that giving stone shape takes the meaning of the stone and changes it into the meaning of the shape. 
     The grain of sand is a nucleus in every pearl, every brick, and some kidneys and gallbladders.  Stone finds ways to travel that travelers have yet to find. 
     Mrs. Scattergood always felt she carried the sea in her. She belonged to the ocean, the wetlands, the marsh and the tides.  She felt connected to her mother who had travelled far away in time. She knew that Demeter will always search for Persephone and Persephone will always be reunited with her mother because that is their connection and if separated nobody can stop either from the search and desire to be reunited. There is nothing in the world that is not this, is not that, is not attached to another. The threads of colors in the rainbow’s fibers, the love that falls through so many rhythms in our lives, the fish swimming in schools streaming within the ocean, the waves that come and seem to go from our shores, all the flowers and the ways they like to pollinate, the yarns some knit and some tell, all the beauty unfolding.  Our raga, our view of the 10,000 things leads us back home. The way back to your center is to stand still.  The way back to your heart song is to listen.
     Mrs. Scattergood found all of her feelings and adventures, and all of the adventures of her characters to be true so she wrote a book because she wanted to remember what was true. It is so easy to forget. 
     One thing is for sure, something came right from this wandering.

raga or the 10,000 things (6), the ten thousand ragas by freda karpf

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