Sunday, January 15, 2017


 raga or the 10,000 things (6), pillows, by freda karpf

     What if we all lost our middles?  What if we all lost our stomachs?  There would be no bellies left in the world.  That would make some women in the westernized world very happy.  Babies could still be born through the traditional route but they wouldn’t have a pillow to rest their heads on when placed on the lap.  Babies would grow up thinking that pillows are anomalies.  When, really, pillows are a direct result of having bellies.  There would be other motivations for the invention of pillows but they would not have come along so early on in the human history if it weren’t for bellies.  There’s always a reason for everything.
     It’s difficult to find a good pillow.  We have a need to rest our heads on something.  Or in some cases on someone.  Why would anyone put their head in a lion’s mouth?  They’re looking for a better pillow.  And even though it’s the head that rests on the pillow, it’s the pillow that is profoundly at the middle of everything important.  The pillow cradles your head while you’re digesting the stuff of the day and weaving the dreams in the night.

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